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There are certain comparisons that are made where the evidence provided by data, does not match what the majority of those with an opinion will tell you. A classic example is when people ask whether HTML or WordPress is better for SEO. Let us say from the outset that most of the empirical data and statistics indicate that neither HTML nor WordPress has an advantage over the other when it comes to SEO.

Now we must clarify what we mean by an advantage. What we are talking about here is whether sites built using WordPress, for example, will rank higher than a site built with HTML, when all other factors are equal. The fact of the matter is that Google doesn’t place any great emphasis on what a website is built from when it comes to ranking them.

To confirm this, do a random search on Google and click through to each of the top ten websites. For each one, if you then press CTRL+U on your keyboard the source code will appear. Using the find function in your browser type in ‘wp-content’. If the search finds that in the code it is a WordPress site, and if not then it could be either a HTML site or one built using another less popular Content Management System (CMS).

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Whenever you register a domain name, details such as your name and address and the date of registration are held by an organisation called ICANN. If someone wants to determine who owns a website, they conduct a WHOIS search which will tell them. For privacy reasons many web owners hide these details, but this raises the question as to whether this will negatively impact on your SEO rankings?

To address this, we need to understand what Google’s entire ranking algorithm is designed to achieve. Google can only survive if web users continue to use it as a search engine. This means that the results which Google presents for any given search term need to be relevant and show websites that the user would be happy to visit.

The degree to which Google establishes whether any single website is worthy of showing up in its results is established by taking multiple factors in to consideration. For each of these, Google’s algorithms then apply a score to that site based on what it considers to be a positive or negative indicator.

When it comes to your WHOIS details there may be many valid reasons why you would want to keep your details private. It could be that you want to avoid your employer discovering that you are running a website. Another might be to avoid strangers knowing your home address. Whilst these are perfectly reasonable, unfortunately, Google knows private WHOIS registration is something that potential spammers use, and this is where it could impact your ranking.

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What are Long Tail Keywords and how can you use them for your SEO?

If you have been looking for information on SEO and SEO companies, you may have come across the term ‘Long Tail Keywords’ and wondered what it meant. Well, long-tail is nothing to do with furry animals but is in fact, an SEO technique that, if used correctly, can help to generate increased traffic to websites and other online properties.

At the core of long-tail SEO are Long Tail Keywords, which are keywords that contain more than two words. You won’t be surprised to know that keywords with only one or two words are called short-tail keywords. Examples of short-tail keywords in the dog niche would be ‘kennel’ and ‘dog grooming’, and in the technology niche, ‘laptop’ and ‘computer keyboard’.

If a website owner were to try and rank for any of those keywords, they would be competing against tens of thousands of other websites, and many of them will be websites owned by some of the biggest online companies in the world. It is safe to say that most local marketing budgets are not going to be able to compete with the likes of companies whose SEO budget is almost unlimited.

So, how can you compete online and get traffic to your website? Well, the answer is long-tail SEO, and employing any number of Long Tail Keywords that you can rank for. A key point to note is that your competition online isn’t the Amazon of this world, it is the websites owned by other companies operating in your niche or market, and who do so within your local area.

With that in mind, we need an SEO strategy that enables your website to outrank your competition when certain searches are entered in Google. This is where one of the most important aspects of Long Tail Keywords takes place, and that is keyword research. This research establishes what long-tail keywords are applicable to your business and which ones have enough searches to make them candidates for optimising your content and other SEO factors on your website. Talk to us today

To explore keyword research further let’s take a plumbing business that is based in Perth. If it tried to compete for ‘plumber Perth’, or ‘plumbing Perth’, those are short-tail keywords and will likely have every other plumbing-based business competing to rank for them. To rank for them might be possible, but it would require a lot of resources, and plenty of time, and in the meantime traffic from easier to rank for keywords is going elsewhere.

If, instead, we turn our SEO research to Long Tail Keywords, here are some options we could try, and notice how we add small conjunctions like ‘in’, and descriptive words, ’24 hour’ or ’emergency’, to add further variations such as;

  • Add points of the compass: plumber northeast Perth
  • Use specific areas in Perth: plumber in Rockingham
  • Descriptive words: ’24 hour plumber’ and with the location, ’24 hour plumber in Rockingham
  • Specialist plumbers: ’24 hour drainage plumber’, ’emergency drainage plumber in Rockingham’

By applying these principles and using a search term like ’emergency drainage plumber in Rockingham’, a business that did specialise in drainage plumbing, had an emergency call-out service, and covered the Rockingham area, could be ranked at the top of Google relatively quickly.

Having done the keyword research, optimised the website for those keywords, we now come to another advantage of long-tail SEO, and that is increased conversions. Think about the person who has typed in ’emergency drainage plumber in Rockingham’.

Are they casually browsing, or is it a safe bet that they need a plumber quickly? If they find a local plumbing business’s website at the top of the search results, they are not likely to spend the next hour checking out the others. They are going to pick up the phone and employ that plumber’s services there and then. This is the power of a professional SEO company.

So, Long Tail Keywords / SEO allows small and local businesses to compete on a more even playing field on Google, improves website traffic, and it can bring visitors to a website who are closer to the point of buying.

Regardless of what technologies, apps, or software there exist on the internet, there are always going to be competitors. Often this leads fans of each to sing their praises, and then those who wish to know more, asking which they should use. This leads invariably to articles such as this where we try to determine which is best. The difference here is that we are comparing Wix and WordPress within a very specific criterion, and that is SEO.

It may help many of you if we briefly explain what Wix and WordPress are and what they are primarily designed to do. If we start with Wix, it is an all-in-one website builder, and it is especially popular with newbies and those for whom website code brings them out in a cold sweat. With Wix you can have your website built very quickly using its pre-designed website temples, it has built-in security, and important for many, it has its own in-house support staff.

WordPress is an open-source content management system which can be used to create hosted websites. It has a bigger learning curve than Wix, but this also means it has much greater scope for flexibility. This means websites can be built with a raft of customisations and thousands of plugins to add greater functionality in both the front end and back end of sites built using WordPress.

When it comes to SEO there is one thing which Wix and WordPress both have in common, and that is their great reliance on third-party software. This will be apps in the case of Wix, and plugins for WordPress. There are several apps which Wix uses for SEO, with one of the most popular called ‘Site Booster’. Site Booster has both a free and premium version and as with most SEO apps it is only the paid one which gives you all the functions that you need to boost your website’s SEO

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For those of you who are unfamiliar with Wix let us briefly explain what it is. Wix is a cloud-based, open-source, all-in-one website builder that is particularly liked by beginners and those who have no idea how to code HTML. It has flexible designs that allow for a reasonable level of personalisation and is suited for building small to medium-sized websites. It is also popular due to the excellent customer service provided by their in-house support team who are known to be extremely responsive and very professional.

Hopefully, that all sounds positive so far, which brings us to something where Wix’s reputation is not as high, and that is regarding SEO. This most likely stemmed from Wix’s early days where it quickly became known for many issues which were hindering webmasters and SEO experts from optimising websites built with it.

Some of these issues included being unable to optimise title tags and meta descriptions for blog posts, a URL structure that would generate weird characters and add them to URLs, being unable to add alt attributes to media such as images, and the use of Flash technology which was seen as detrimental to a website’s rankings.

It is not surprising that with all these issues in play, Wix’s reputation hit rock bottom amongst SEO professionals. Even today, there are still many articles and comments online which suggest Wix should be given a wide berth if you are considering building a website with it and want to use SEO to help it rank.

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